Wednesday, 17 October 2012

iOS 6 Siri Vs. Jelly Bean Voice-Recognition

Apple’s latest version of mobile OS - iOS 6 certainly has improved many of its features notably Siri. Therefore I thought it to compare it with what Android’s Jelly Bean 4.1 offers to its users. The previous version of Siri lacked in its efficiency as compared to the Android’s however, the latest version of Siri on iOS 6 has been enhanced greatly and it would be an interesting contrast to have between both speech recognition apps.

Browsing and Searching
If you want to test the browsing ability of both the apps, just ask them to browse any kind of picture or text over the web and observe the results. In my case, I asked out to search for “branded perfumes” and both resulted with similar pages. Still Siri inquired me if I wanted to search the web and then provided the searched results, while Jelly Bean was able to show the results on the first go. At this point, I found Jelly Bean a bit receptive than Siri as Jelly Bean fetched out all the results related to branded perfumes unlike Siri that just displayed the images of branded perfumes.

Weather Updates
As far as weather updates are concerned, one may test the efficiency of both by making them search for the climatic conditions for running day. I found Jelly Bean’s Google Now more efficient in this domain as it displayed the accurate weather update with the forecasted condition of next four days. Siri on the other hand, provided a snapshot of the weather conditions of all of the places excluding the one in which I am staying right now.

Locations and Directions
Surprisingly, Siri ended up with fruitful results when it came to test it for the locations and directions of a certain place nearby. The results were displayed in a sorted manner based on the ratings and overall distance to reach the destination. Whereas, Jelly Bean straight away provided the map suggesting travelling directions but the sorting thing was missing. No doubt, Jelly Bean’s response was useful in its own way but I found Siri’s result more suitable in this domain.

Analyzing the results from the above discussion, Android’s Jelly Bean still seems to have an edge over iOS 6 Siri but there is a noteworthy change in the latest version of Siri as compared to the prior ones.