Tuesday, 6 November 2012

How To Run Multiple Instances Of Any App On Mac Using AppleScript

Time is money, and therefore one can increase the productivity by minimizing the work load in an efficient manner. Multi-tasking is the best solution to accomplish the work on time. However, if you are using Mac then running multiple instances of an app may seem a bit difficult to you. Well, many of you would be glad to know that by running a simple script, you can easily execute multiple instances of your app and impress your boss by meeting strict deadlines of your tasks quite smartly.

Running multiple instances needs to have that particular app in the Dock represented by app’s respective icon. Just run the following script via Apple Script Editor.

do shell script "open –n /Applications/Appname.app”

Place the respective app’s name in the end of the script. You can enter the location address and app’s name through quotation mark. Thanks to the flexibility level that Mac’s UI usually offers, you can even drag and drop the app’s icon from the Applications folder on to the script editor. But you must place the closing quote marks at the end of this script otherwise you would end up getting a syntax error. Below are the tested scripts that we tried out with some popular apps of Mac:

do shell script "open -n /Applications/VLC.app"

do shell script “open -n /Applications/Cream.app”

do shell script “open -n /Applications/Calculator.app”

After you are done with entering the syntax, head towards Script> Compile and then save it. You need to save it in the Application format. Now simply open the saved script and you will see your app running soon after you launch it. By re-launching this Apple script over and over can result into multiple instances of that App on each launch.