Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Purple Haze Issue In iPhone 5

Being the most talked-about product from Apple’s brand, iPhone 5 still lacks to provide flawless functioning. Other than the software issues such as Apple’s poor built-in Map application, bad image quality by iPhone 5’s camera has been also experienced by most of its users. It simply gives a purple haze around a luminous object in the image which consequently diminishes the picture quality.

You can clearly observe the difference between iPhone 4’s image result with that of iPhone 5’s. One hasn’t expected this flaw from Apple’s banner that has been known for its amazing featuring products. However, one of the concerned users of iPhone 5 had recorded the complaint against this defect which was initially rejected by Apple’s team claiming that “It can’t happen with iPhone 5!” it seems that camera specs of iPhone 5 would have been over-hyped before its official release.

Apple has been known to provide customer satisfaction to its best. But this time, they just seemed to be covering up the issue and trying to deny the fact with base-less theories. Latterly, one of the Apple’s developer stated that “The position of camera should be corrected by the user and it is natural for iPhone 5 to behave this way!”

Flaws like poor camera quality can fade-away the excitement and popularity of iPhone 5 if not taken seriously. People are seen to change their decisions rapidly and opt for the best option while investing on something they desired. Base-less theories behind a serious bug, reported by majority of the customers may subsequently reduce Apple’s market value in future.